Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Presidency as an Institution - 1265 Words

The Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics as our country underwent high unemployment as well as many other economic problems. Reagan was one of the unfortunate Presidents that had to deal with assassination attempts. Both Presidents had great accomplishments both foreign and domestic. Carter†¦show more content†¦Reagan was good at the institutional end of the Presidency because of his belief in limited government and his ability to communicate. He was President when America was under economic hardship. Reagan s Presidential plans were to cut taxes to try and he lp the lagging economy, as well fight communism. His plans however, were overshadowed by the fact that an attempt to take his life had put his health at risk. Reagan got approval from congress for his tax plan to restructure America and help regain some sort of economic base. Reagan had a very acute leadership and historical impact during his Presidency. Page 4 He had strong general convictions, he set his administrations overall priorities early on. He obviously placed his defensive buildup and his economic programs a head of everything else. He was very tactically flexible; he often showed no regret when he had to adjust to political opposition or to changed circumstances. He was also a great negotiator, setting his demands higher than the minimum, and accepting what he could get, making his decisions easily and promptly. His intentions were to increase military spending, knowing that the Soviet Union was slowly falling apart, especially on the eastern front. He took the Cold War into space, by setting up a system that he thoughtShow MoreRelated Presidency as an institution Essay1239 Words   |  5 Pages The Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics asRead MoreThe Legal Approach Of The American Constitution889 Words   |  4 Pagesany tyrannical regime because it is all about laws and legislatures. 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THE WHITE HOUSE AND THE MEDIA The media will play an important part of your presidency. It is one of the most important institution. In this age, all the presidency moves are being watch 24/7. The media will be what helps create an image that will last your entire presidency, because of this it may adversarial relationship between the press and you. You must be able to use the mediaRead MoreAmerican President Is First Citizen852 Words   |  4 PagesThe first citizen of a nation can be seen as an individual who is at the head of his institution and also one of his own citizens. It may seem ironic or even impossible that a person can assume such high standing while maintaining the typical image of his fellow men. But with the unique structure of the American Government and the many interesting facets of its President, the American Presidency can assume such roles. Since the military is headed by civilian control, the Presidents status asRead MoreThe Politics Of The United States1315 Words   |  6 PagesThe US Presidency Having established a background into the British system of government we can now turn our attention to the United States of America. Located several thousand miles across the Atlantic, this global superpower has much in common with the United Kingdom, principally the values and institutions that render its political system democratic. That being said, the infrastructure of the system in place in the United States is vastly different from that of the UK. Trias Politica As a relativelyRead MoreEssay on The Role of Congress937 Words   |  4 Pages Congress has helped develop the Presidency as we know it today. This is because Congress argues over proposals and legislation proposed by the President. They are a major determent in whether bills turn into laws. But it’s not easy. One reason for this is because there are many powerful groups out there who argue about what should be discussed such as air pollution with the EPA or jobs. In order to run more efficiently, there are certain responsibilities that Congress has given to the President

Monday, December 23, 2019

An Evaluation Of Iranian Artist And The Role - 2283 Words

The following paper will be an evaluation of Iranian artist and the role they play as women living in exile. The paper will discuss how art becomes a type of political discourse against patriarchal governments. To do this I will look at the work of Parastou Forohaur an Iranian artist whose parents were killed when she was young because they were political activist fighting to defend the rights of all people women and men included. In the paper I will use various sources and terms that have been discussed throughout the semester in a short literature review. Shirin Neshat will also be discussed and the role that she plays in created fragmented narratives that help women feel empowered in their lives in Iran. As a member of the artistic†¦show more content†¦It could still be done in such a way that it s not aggressive or overly didactic. I m trying to find that form. (Neshat) . However, before I do any of this I must first define a few terms that will be essential throughout this analysis. Coming from a critical rhetoric background, I will apply some terms and theories from various scholars in that field as well to give a better understanding of the material being studied. David R. Croteau discusses hegemony in detail in chapter five of Media/Society: Industries, Images and Audiences, hegemony he points out is a term that is as Antonio Gramsci wrote, â€Å"the notion of hegemony connects questions of culture, power, and ideology. In short, Gramsci argued that ruling groups can maintain their power through force, consent, or a combination of the two.† (Croteau, pg, 165) However, that is merely an interpretation or as Mcgee would suggest an interpretation of a larger text. (McGee, pg.274) hegemony could be better understood as a set ideology that has been said to be true, thus, making it true this is also called learning by tenacity in communication studies, which is commonly discussed with people believing the earth was flat rather than round. That definition will fit the argument of this paper. Women in Iran face hegemony everyday through religious

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Psychology Vocabulary Free Essays

Psychology (Myers, 8E) Chapter 10 Study online at quizlet. com/_h108 1. cognition the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people a mental image or best example of a category a methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology Vocabulary or any similar topic only for you Order Now Contrasts with the usually speedier — but also more error-prone -use of heuristics a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently; usually speedier but also more error-prone than algorithms a sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem; it contrasts with strategy-based solutions a tendency to search for information that confirms one’s preconceptions the inability to see a problem from a new perspective; an impediment to problem solving a tendency to approach a problem in a particular way, often a way that has been successful in the past the tendency to think of things only in terms of their usual functions; an impediment to problem solving judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they seem to represent, or match, particular prototypes; may lead one to ignore other relevent information estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory; if instances come readily to m ind (perhaps because of their vividness), we presume such events are common the tendency to be more confident than correct — to overestimate the accuracy of one’s beliefs and judgments the way an issue is posed; how an issue is framed can significantly affect decisions and judgments 15. belief bias 2. concept prototype algorithm he tendency for one’s preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning, sometimes by making invalid conclusions seem valid, or valid conclusions seem invalid clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited our spoken, written, or signed words and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning in a language, the smallest distinctive sound unit in a language, the smallest unit that carries meaning; may be a word or a part of a word (such as a prefix) in a language, a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others the set of rules by which we derive mean ing from morphemes, words, and sentences in a given language; also, the study of meaning the rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences in a given language beginning at about 4 months, the stage of speech developing in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words beginning about age 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements early speech stage in which a child speaks like a telegram — â€Å"go car† — using mostly nouns and verbs and omitting auxiliary words Whorf’s hypothesis that language determines the way we think 16. 3. belief perseverance language 4. 17. 18. phoneme morpheme 5. heuristic 19. 20. grammar 6. insight 21. semantics 7. confirmation bias fixation 22. syntax 8. 23. 9. mental set babbling stage 10. functional fixednes s representativeness heuristic 24. one-word stage two-word stage telegraphic speech linguistic determinism 11. 25. 26. 12. availability heuristic 27. 13. overconfidence 14. framing How to cite Psychology Vocabulary, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Decisions Essay Research Paper Choosing a college free essay sample

Decisions Essay, Research Paper Choosing a college can be a major determination in your life. I say this because your pick will find the quality of instruction you will be having every bit good as form your independency. During this essay, I plan to travel over factors that should be acknowledged before choosing an establishment of higher instruction. The points should be considered are make up ones minding between a two twelvemonth and a four twelvemonth school, a big or little establishment, and a local opposed to a distant university. The first obstruction is make up ones minding which type of grade your after. The two grades you have an option of prosecuting are a two twelvemonth ( Associates ) and a four twelvemonth ( Bachelor ) . By choosing a two twelvemonth term you would pass less clip in school with an early beginning in your business. This agencies there would be less occupation chances taking to a lower get downing salary. We will write a custom essay sample on Decisions Essay Research Paper Choosing a college or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A four twelvemonth grade offers more gaps in the work field with a little hiking in income. You will hold to make up ones mind which type of degree suits your involvements best. Your following determination should be whether you want to go to a big or a little campus. In big schools there is small pupil instructor interaction, in or out of the schoolroom. Smaller schools, nevertheless, do offer a B ond between Mentor and student which is needed for a first twelvemonth pupil. The job with little colleges is that they are non good known and your employment can be effected by your schools position. The larger establishments make you more susceptible to distractions and can do bad survey wonts to originate. With this determination you have to cognize yourself, intending how dedicated you are in wining. The concluding hurdle your are faced with is make up ones minding how far you want to go to go to school. A local school offers security, and pupils with similar backgrounds. This makes it so you do non hold to set excessively much. Attending a school far off is a world cheque because you can no longer run to your parents when you have a job. There are pupils with different backgrounds doing you to readapt your behaviour to conform. The feeling of independency induces emphasis in immature grownups because there is no security cover. Make certain your ready to be independent before going excessively far. As you can see picking a college is an of import determination every bit good as a hard one. So explore the options I presented to you foremost. They are how long, what size, and the distance you are ready to manage. Choose sagely for world is at your door.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Warriors Dont Cry free essay sample

Throughout her autobiography I discovered many new themes one such as never give up. The theme, never give up shows up many times through Melba’s actions in school and outside of school Melba wanted to give up many times but she, kept her word by praying to God and talking to her grandma. Whenever students beat up Melba, she would say I am never going to that school but the next day she would get up and go back to school. When she was bullied, she reported to the staff but no one would believe her. Even though they did not believe what she said, Melba continued to do her best in school and outside of school. She never gave up on the things she did outside of the school either. She still cherished her friendship and tried to make her life as normal instead of just giving in. If she gave in the segregationist would win, and if she did not make her life as normal as possible she would have never made it through the year. We will write a custom essay sample on Warriors Dont Cry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Despite the difficulties, she never gave up. In Warriors Don’t Cry, Melba had both internal and external problems, which caused her to have the idea of giving up. Some internal problems that Melba faced were staying strong, trying to stay alive, and her best friend moving away. Melba had to stay strong because everyone was trying to get her kicked out. Students in Central High blamed and caused commotions to get her tempted to fight back and get kicked our of school. She stayed strong and overcame the taunts. Melba also had problems staying alive in Central High. The students spilled acid in her eyes and she almost went blind. Everyday big mobs would attack her and she would have to run for her life. The last internal conflict Melba faced was when her friend Minnijean moved away. Minnijean was her best friend who she always confronted with. They always shared everything and played together throughout their childhood. When Minnijean moved away, Melba was almost all alone and had to lift the weigh of integrating Central High alone. Melba also faced external conflict in Central High. Some external conflict Melba faced throughout her year was bullying, name-calling, and physical abuse. Melba’s classmates bullied her but she did not have much power to fight back. Students would hurt her by hitting her like in the gym when no one was around and when she reported they did not do anything. Teachers would join students on the name-calling and call her mean things. One of the most horrifying external conflicts she went through was that she was about to be raped. When she went outside this white man was following her and he got her and ripped her clothes Melba’s enemy helped her out and she made it safe home. Melba’s story has meant a lot to me because I see people being bullied by others and I have been a victim of bullying. I have bullied some of my friends playfully not for real and I know how bad it gets after awhile. Being a spectator of bullying has showed me that it is wrong. Melba story shows me that the bullies will pay their consequences at the end. By looking at Melba’s life, I see that you should never give up but instead doing the opposite. She has showed me that if you give in they will make it worse for you. If you go with what they say by saying thank you whenever they insult you, the pain will not go through and they will give up eventually. I learn that the enemies want you to give up so they get the satisfaction. I think that Melba wrote the story for both the future generations and for her generation. She wrote it for her generation so people in the future would not have to go through the things she went through. She wants to show the future that there is a way to overcome those conflicts that she has faced. Melba shows that other kids have the same problem in their life. I think she wrote it for her generation to show the people that bullied her and made her feel bad what she had to go through alone in Central High. She wants to show the world so the same things will not happen to others. In our school, community, and nation we do many things to make a positive things to stop bullying and hate. Today we have the power to speak up in school and the school staff will be able to take things under matter. We need to stop bullying in schools and make it safer grounds for education. Schools should have anti-bullying clubs and programs that kids could join to learn more about being safe from bullies and how to stop bullies. We as citizens can stand together as one to stop the hatred of bullies. When bullies bully you, they are the one that need help and not you. They are doing it to make there problems seem better but only not being about to understand that it is not right.

Monday, November 25, 2019

When the Review Tops the Book

When the Review Tops the Book When the Review Tops the Book When the Review Tops the Book By Daniel Scocco Some time ago one of our readers sent me a link to a brilliantly written book review, interestingly enough about a shockingly bad book. The person who wrote the review is called Charles Moore. Here is a quote from it: That pretty much sums up my experience reading Aaron Rayburns novel, THE SHADOW GOD. I took one for the team, so the rest of you would NEVER have to be subjected to this beast. I beg you, dont let my selflessness be for nothing. Heed my warning. This is the worst book ever written. The back cover copy reads Craig Johnson had two best friends, two caring parents, a hot girlfriend, and a nice trucknot bad for a twenty-year-old. Already were in trouble. The author photo shows Rayburn in all his mid-20s virginal glory. Manson contacts, a black cap turned backwards with a red 666 monogrammed on it, hes posing next to what looks like a rubber demon. His bio includes the line He also says that he owes a great deal of gratitude to the Devil . . . for filling his mind with such horrific images. If this book is the most horrific thing the devil can come up, I think humanity is safe from the threat of hell. So if you want laugh a bit, here is the permalink. All wannabe writers take notice of what might come after you publish your book! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should AvoidAt Your Disposal6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cultural relativism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural relativism - Essay Example The cultural background of an individual determines their moral beliefs in various ways. This is as a result of difficulties to change ones beliefs and cultural practices which determine their respective moral beliefs. Culture is one of the major influences of a person’s relation with different beliefs which clearly indicate that moral beliefs are dependent on the culture. While moral beliefs can be cross-culture, it is viewed that the persons with similar moral beliefs share common cultural practices. For example, a person residing in Africa may have a moral belief that, it is hard to maintain a polygamous marriage which concurs with the same opinion of the person residing in Europe. This clearly shows that all cultures share some moral beliefs. The main difference in the two perspectives is that: all moral beliefs depend on the culture of the individual and cannot be easily changed by the environmental factors (Russ 290). On the contrary, the cross-culture moral beliefs are easily changed by the environment. The environment impact on the moral beliefs is reflected in adulthood where the person develops a different approach to particular issues and arguments in the society. In addition, the moral beliefs which are shared by all cultures tend to vary with respect to technological advancement and modernization in a particular culture as compared to other cultures. The difference arises where the environmental influence on the moral beliefs in a given culture affects all individuals in that culture implying that the moral beliefs still depend on the culture. On the other hand, environmental impact on the moral tends to vary the cross-culture moral beliefs which minimizes the similarities and creates a larger borderline (Russ 278). Culture shock occurs when a person is introduced to a different culture. Culture shock occurs in various forms such as new dialects, food and views. For example, a person

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Higher Education Curriculum and Program Planning(Future Directions Research Paper

Higher Education Curriculum and Program Planning(Future Directions Question ) - Research Paper Example For a suitable professional in the current employment forum, graduates should uphold skills that will help them make informed decisions and possess significant communication, leadership, organizational, problem solving and technical skills. Therefore, the curriculum in place should be able to offer proper and required expertise in executing various tasks that a professional job demands and generally require (College Placement Council, 1994). Curriculum change has been fundamental in ensuring that it conquers with the major changing trends in the global business environment where these changes and late developments have significant implications for the reform of the professional education programs. This however has resulted to rising innovation, better organizational adaptability and flexibility, hence overall improved productivity (AACU, 2002). Future of curricular design Considering the changing business environment, the future of the curricular design is an evolving one that involv es considerations that are integrated in trainees’ deliberate decisions about education goals, content, instructional materials and methods, and assessment within social-cultural and organizational contexts. In examining these continuous changes, there is a reflection on various factors that influence these changes as explained as follows. Curriculum history Curriculum has been changing but its time past has been in question because students used to passively received information and acquired information that did not connect or conquer with the contexts where it would be used. For instance, in courses that require technical knowhow, the curriculum did not match with the demands of the career that requires trainees to posses certain skills that will help improve the productivity of the organization. In the chronology of a changing curriculum, assessment was mainly used to monitor the students learning, with the major criteria being articulation of the right answers. Students t ypically worked as individuals rather than organizing them in study groups and engages each other in discussions that would impove their understanding. The main objective of the colleges by then was just to transfer knowledge from the faculty to students as the curriculum provided through score sheets such as multiple choices. However, due to the upcoming requirements and changing environment, the curriculum has been reformed at a greater significance (Van, 1995). Forces influencing curriculum design The demands of a transforming society with varying needs and a competitive global market have greatly influenced design for the curriculum. Various innovations that are upcoming requiring specialized expertise have mostly affected the design for the curriculum to actually demonstrate what the trainees will be faced with in the market. An economy that is growing in a competitive region and latest inventions will need a form of learning that will equip graduates with necessary skill to co unter the challenges presented in these developments and even improve the innovations such us in engineering and medical fields. Currently, various faculties have embraced the learning centered paradigm as they create and implement major curriculum reforms. Accreditation also has played a pivotal

Monday, November 18, 2019

Main Cause of Murder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Main Cause of Murder - Essay Example The cultural beliefs about valor and patriotism can become a cause of murder in an indirect way. For example, a father has been described to feel proud about the death of his son for having, â€Å"died a martyr† (----, 57). It is observed that aggravated and simple assault can be considered as two reasons for murder though aggravated assault can be having an intention to kill while simple assault is considered as â€Å"a misdemeanor† (----, 57). An exploration of the factors that prompt murder thus will show that the reason for a person to murder can vary from psychological to circumstantial and accidental. And it can be naturally concluded that most murders are not planned ones. ---- has also cited alcoholism and extreme hot climate can become factors that motivate an assault which may lead to murder (57). The author (----) has also opined that poor people and black people are the groups whose members are most likely to commit murder (57). Such an argument immediately would invite allegations of extreme racial and class prejudices. Also, there has been no conclusive evidence also to prove that these assumptions are right. But the author has referred to studies which suggest that â€Å"poor generally consider violence a badge of toughness and masculinity† (----, 58).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Song of Lawino Poem by Okot pBitek

Song of Lawino Poem by Okot pBitek In Song of Lawino, by Okot pbitek, the main theme revolves around Lawino attacking Ocol, her husband who had left her for a modern woman, and his ways while praising her own culture. She is a proud and traditional Acoli woman who holds a certain disregard for the western culture that her educated husband had fallen into. A lot throughout the novel, she keeps on cursing Ocol and making a racket and din about all his misdeeds. She also launches an attack on Clementine, Ocols new westernized, educated wife. Now, whether or not she had a solid case for acting so strongly against Ocol and Tina is what we shall be looking at in this essay. And that she looks sickly and is a piteous sight. These unprovoked accusations will be considered as jealousy by many especially since Lawino admits I do not deny, I am a little jealous, which I consider a huge understatement since Lawinos hate which is evident in the second chapter is proof that she is in fact very jealous of Tinas influence over Ocol. However, how much ever Lawino is jealous of Tina, she absolutely does not have a case since this cannot justify any misdoing on Ocols part because polygamy was a common thing at that time and Ocol had every right to marry Tina. And Lawinos jealousy was not acceptable evidence against Ocol. Some may say that Lawino expressed more than jealousy and was actually defending her rich African culture, but she did, however, do it at the cost of degrading the western culture. Nevertheless, he does his role well, and goes to many lengths saying that the local congress party was against Catholics (the faith Ocol believes in). This, apart from creating a bad will for him among people, also causes conflicts within his own family. We see that, Ocols brother was the leader of the congress party, the arch-enemy of the Democratic Party that Ocol leads. This causes Ocol to become bitter and turn the whole issue personal. He says that his brother wants to kill him and he also forbids Lawino to visit her husband in laws house and indeed orders her not to even talk to them. It was once said by a great man called Vivekananda that when a man has begun to feel ashamed of his ancestors, the end has come. This is exactly what Ocol does. In this case, I feel that Ocol was being too unacceptable. Although Ocol is against his brother politically, I think making the issue personal was a stupid thing to do. He was in fact blowing up the matter to something big. Lawino, who in this case was being very thoughtful, realizes that these two men were doing senseless. After all, the main aim of the parties was supposed to be national unity and now the war leaders are tightly locked in bloody feuds, eating each others livers and she correctly notices that ignorance stands there like an elephant. In the chapter seven, where it says there is no fixed time for breast-feeding, Lawino has something more to her favor. Ocols obsession over time is a debatable issue. Yes, in modern times, people would agree with Ocol that time should not be wasted and so it must be used to its full potential. However, I feel that Ocol is taking the issue of time too far by wanting to keep fixed time for every little thing in the house. Lawino says; For such a case, I think Lawino does again have a point. Its perfectly sensible to breastfeed when there is a need to. So, Ocols heaps of abuse on Lawinos illiteracy for not knowing time is just plain unacceptable. He neednt insist everything in their house happen on time when the Acolis have managed their priorities for years by simply following the suns movement and the roosters crow. Until now, Lawino mostly did have a solid case in many things that she was saying. However, the rest of what she says is, in my viewpoint, a matter of opinion and so it will not hold a solid case against Ocol. She laments about Ocols decision to follow the western culture instead, but lawfully, there was nothing wrong with that. Ocol had every right to follow the way of life that he wants by all means. Being university educated may have changed his way of thinking and caused him to want to westernize. Lawinos accusations of him of being a traitor to his traditions may have been culturally correct, but definitely not strong enough to sue him. Some may say that Lawino was in fact being irrational as she was trying to impose her culture on Ocol, without letting him be. And he also goes in to regret why was I born Black? Ocol tries his hardest to deny the African blood in him and he wants to assimilate into the white peoples culture instead. This is not acceptable because if he has the right to enjoy his ways, then Lawino does too. So, we can say that in this particular matter, both Lawino and Ocol are at fault. The above argument, apart from referring to culture, is also applicable to the differing religious faith that the two follow. Agreed, Lawino does not think much of the hunchback or the clean ghost and neither does Ocol of Lawinos traditional African religion where he says we will smash / the taboos / one by one / explode the basis / of every superstition / we will uproot / every sacred tree/ and demolish every ancestral / shrine. Hence the two should have learnt to co-exist with each other rather than squabble endlessly other their faiths. So, in conclusion, after evaluating the cases of both Lawino and Ocol, I deduce that Lawinos case is stronger than Ocols. Seeing that Lawino has been more of a victim under Ocols hands than Ocol under the white mens, as seen in the argument given above, Lawino does indeed have a proper case against Ocol. Although Lawino had a small part to do with it, her marital tribulations have been highly unstable mainly because of Ocols foolish attitude and his senseless actions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Magical Realism in The Garden of Forking Paths Essay -- Garden of Fork

Magical Realism in The Garden of Forking Paths While there may be some debate as to whether the Argentinian Jorge Luis Borges was technically a Magical Realist, some may feel that his works definitely do have some of the characteristics of what is considered Magical Realistic literature. Among his various types of works are poetry, essays, fantasies, and short fictions. Often referred to in essays that discuss the history and theory of Magical Realism, "The Garden of Forking Paths" is probably Borges' most popular short story. Published in 1964 in a collection of Borges works entitled Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings, his short story "The Garden of Forking Paths" appears to have several of the elements of Magical Realism. At a glance, the main plot of "The Garden of Forking Paths" may seem fairly simple and very real. In this story the main character, Yu Tsun, is a German spy who knows the name of the British artillery park. Yu Tsun wants to tell his chief about this British artillery park so that the Germans can destroy it. However, Yu Tsun is afraid that Captain Richard Madden, who is on the British side, will shoot him before he is able to get the word out in time. Therefore, Yu Tsun comes up with the plan to go to a Dr. Stephen Albert's house and shoot him. By shooting Stephen Albert, Yu Tsun relays the message to his chief in Berlin that Albert is the city where the British artillery park is located (Wiehe 980). A reader can see that the realist elements in "The Garden of Forking Paths" are that the story is taking place during World War I, that the story involves real people who are spies, and that the story is based on a fairly logical plot. The term "fairly logical plot" is us... ...mmunity. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 163-186. Flores, Angel. "Magical Realism in Spanish American Fiction." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 109-116. Roh, Franz. "Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 15-30. Simpkins, Scott. "Sources of Magic Realism/Supplements to Realism in Contemporary Latin American Literature." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 145-157. Wiehe, Roger E. "Jorge Luis Borges." Critical Survey of Short Fiction. Vol 3. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1981: 977-982. Â  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Exporting and the Export Contract Translation Into Vietnamese Essay

The first reason is that the contract contains and covers all the terms which the two parties have come to the agreement. This means that any external document has to be expressly incorporated into the contract. Besides, This is to prevent any ambiguity about the status of any earlier agreements or understandings. Both parties shall only base on the contract to perform their obligations. The last point is to prevent any disagreements and dispute arsing from the difference between the previous drafts and the contract so that the contract can be immediately executed for both parties’ sakes ? A contract normally includes wording the following elements: †¢An entire agreement statement: a statement in the contract that the parties agree that the terms of the contract between them are to be found within the text of the contract document and nowhere else. All entire agreement clauses include this element †¢An exclusion of liability for misrepresentation: most entire agreement clauses include one or more of the following: – An acknowledgment by the parties that they have not relied on any representation which is not set out in the contract; – A statement excluding liability for misrepresentation

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Graffiti Is Our Right, Not A Crime Professor Ramos Blog

Graffiti Is Our Right, Not A Crime Imagine not agreeing with something within your community, or even society as a whole, and wanting to express your protest against or for that issue. This is a very pressing issue like gay marriage, gun laws, war, or equality. Now imagine you decided you are going to become an advocate for that particular issue you feel so strongly about, and then you get arrested and charged as a felon for protesting peacefully. This happened a lot in the 1920’s with all of the segregation laws, but I am talking about now, 2019. You can be arrested if you protest via graffiti. Vandalism, defacement, doodle, scribbles, these are the derogatory terms used everyday for graffiti. Other famous pieces of work like The Starry Night, Girl With the Pearl Earring, or even Mona Lisa would never be associated with just a â€Å"doodle.† Those great masterpieces are art. We see graffiti literally everywhere, and since the beginning of its popularity, it has been a taboo. Graffiti may technically be a criminal act, but does condemning the act of graffiti violate our American rights? I am going to explain what graffiti is, who the most infamous artists are, why graffiti is so controversial, and why graffiti is indeed and art form and not a crime. According to the English Oxford Dictionary, graffiti’s definition states, â€Å"writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surfaces in a public place† (2019). According to the Urban Dictionary, graffiti’s definition states, â€Å"the practice of systematically and stylistically marking infrastructure† (2019). This clashing information can be a bit confusing, but the common factor is that graffiti is indeed markings upon walls. Believe it or not, the world is no stranger to markings upon the walls that were put up by the hands of humans. Some odd 2 to 3 million years ago, there walked cavemen on this Earth. There have been findings of these million year old caves that housed these beings, along with markings upon the walls of the caves. The markings told stories of their everyday life. Fast forward to the 8th century of Ancient Greece, Roman, and Egyptian times to their usage of graffiti. Plastered up on the walls of the palaces, tombs, and pyramids are beautiful murals and stories, for what they used for documentation purposes. Also in those times, people would carve or paint protest poems upon the buildings within the cities, in hopes of change among their society. Throughout history, graffiti was used as a positive outlook because walls were the only things that anyone had to write on. Graffiti was intended to send a message to society. Modern graffiti was first recognized in 1965 at Philadelphia’s Youth Development Center. Twelve year old, Darryl â€Å"Cornbread† McCray, tried to stray away from the gang or drug scene, so he mostly stayed to himself and took to drawing, but the juvenile center he was in did not carry the supplies for such expression. One day on his routine job of janitorial duties, he came across the storage of all work equipment, including spray paint. During his time in the facility, he practiced with the art of tagging, and when he got out of the juvenile center, he expanded his canvas. He had no idea he was going to be the pioneer to a movement by simply spraying his nickname, â€Å"Cornbread†, around the streets of Philly. Street art was the new revelation across the world. It stood for a cause worth going down for. Graffiti â€Å"is conceived as a system of communication and action† (Hocking 196). Banksy is the world’s most infamous graffiti artist today, but some â€Å"critics call him a fraud, yet admires call him a genius. While his art may be varied, one clear message emerges: a call for change† (Brenner 4). No one really knows exactly who Banksy is because well graffiti is illegal, and he has artistically bombed literally all over the world like England, Vienna, San Francisco, Barcelona, Paris, and Detroit. Banksy advocates peace, hope, love, and questioning of authority. It is our rights as American’s to use graffiti as a peaceful protest method for change, which is what all of these advocate artists are doing today.   The First Amendment states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances† (First).   In simpler terms, any American is permitted to peacefully protest without the fear of punishment.   The most extreme form of punishment from being caught doing graffiti is â€Å"up to ten years of imprisonment, $5,500 in fines, community service, and be a convicted felon,† stated in Chris Denholm’s 2017 article, â€Å"Graffiti-The Mix†(P1).   Punishing advocates for speaking out against the government for wanting an honest change in the way things are goes against what our Constitution states.   Graffiti has been dubbed an anti-social behavioral lash out against society by psychologists.   In short, this means that a person, who p articipates in graffiti, is a mentally unstable person because they are consciously deciding to destroy public property with no remorse. Yes, technically graffiti is an unlawful act because they are purposely defacing someone else’s property and we all know that, but the â€Å"why† is so powerful that it is worth the consequences.   In today’s day in age, people have tried to be heard, but in turn have been forced to be silenced because of their unconventional thinking.   â€Å"These artists rely on graffiti’s rebel status both to communicate their message and, in the process, to undermine the free speech doctrine’s purported allegiance to designate forums and civil speech† (Carroll 12).   Not all graffiti artists are gang related; most are advocates for their cause for living.   These artists feel so strongly about the tough topics of the world that they want to share their passion by displaying the issues at hand.   Art does not have one straightforward definition.   Visual, auditory, and performing arts are all methods in expressing the creator’s imagination, beliefs, or conceptual ideas.   We are all taught at a young age that freedom of speech is to be practiced and taken advantage of, and graffiti defiantly should be protected under this law. Some cities around the country have been made aware that some people use street art for personal protests for certain groups and for cultural purposes to brighten the city. These cities have gone so far in understanding the need for street art among their residents that they have invested in â€Å"free walls†. In Whitford’s 2017 article â€Å"History and Trends of Graffiti†, he states, â€Å"free walls are integrated into cities so that artists can be expressive but not have the fear of being reprimanded†(P2). Every sketch, drawing, or painting has a purpose and I believe that graffiti has it’s own purpose to making a difference in any subculture. Graffiti brings awareness to issues of concern and it is so powerful of the changes it can bring. I understand that by using someone’s business or using public streets for canvases toward the cause of protest. It is not fair that certain places are targeted or â€Å"chosen† to get sprayed all over just to get the point across, but these artists strategically place each art piece in the societies that are being affected the most. Being convicted as a felon for peacefully protesting is a bit harsh. Cases that involve the same charge of â€Å"ten years imprisonment with a felony charge include aggravated sexual assault in the 1st degree, sexual assault in the 3rd degree with a fireman, and sexual offenders that have to register on the sex offender list for life† (Reinhart). There are consequences to everything, especially when trying to make change, so yes there should be some consequences for the business that get effected by these graffiti protestors. Another alternative may be community service either towards covering up the act if the business owner does not approve or community service in giving back. Having the same punishments are criminals who are purposely hurting someone should not be in the same category as trying to practice their First Amendment right. There is no wrong or right way in expression if done in a peaceful way. â€Å"To embed speech on a n object is not only to alter and to claim the object itself, but to transcend the impermanence of spoken word and to defy all forces that would silence or erase the uttered thought† (Carroll 18). Even though there are some downsides to graffiti within communities, the upsides are tremendous. Graffiti brings awareness to those who are blinded by what is going on around them, it causes people to really take a step back and think about issues that are unknowingly affecting them, and it brings people together to fight for a cause. Following the laws is what keeps society from mayhem, but laws have been broken because of change for decades now. Change is inevitable and sometimes everyone just needs to stop and smell the roses around him or her. Art in a frame is like an eagle in a birdcage. Works Cited BRENNER, LEXA. â€Å"The Bansky Effect: Revolutionizing Humanitarian Protest Art.†Harvard International Review, vol. 40, no. 2, Spring 2019, p. 34.EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=f6hAN=136010704site=ehost-live. Carroll, Jenny E. â€Å"Graffiti, Speech, and Crime.†Minnesota Law Review, vol. 103, no. 3, Feb. 2019, pp. 1285–1348.EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=a9hAN=134788095site=ehost-live. Denholm, C. (2017, March 06). Graffiti-The Mix. Retrieved from https://www.themix.org.uk/crime-and-safety/in-trouble/graffiti-9130.html â€Å"First Amendment.†Legal Information Institute, Legal Information Institute, law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment. Graffiti. (2019). Graffiti | Definition of graffiti in English by Oxford Dictionaries. (2019). Retrieved from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/graffiti Hocking, Bree T. â€Å"Ornament and Order: Graffiti, Street Art and the Parergon.†Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 23, no. 1, Mar. 2017, pp. 196–197.EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/1467-9655.12559. Reinhart, Christopher. â€Å"CRIMES WITH MANDATORY MINIMUM PRISON SENTENCES-UPDATED AND REVISED.†CRIMES WITH MANDATORY MINIMUM PRISON SENTENCES-UPDATED AND REVISED, cga.ct.gov/2008/rpt/2008-R-0619.htm. Whitford, M., Ashworth, G. (2017). History and trends in graffiti.Getting Rid of Graffiti,1-7.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

It is and anaylsis of Charlotte Bronte Jane eyre and Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea

It is and anaylsis of Charlotte Bronte Jane eyre and Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea 1.Discuss three ways in which Wide Sargasso Sea is a rewriting of Jane Eyre? What do you think is Jean Rhys reasons for re-writing Jane Eyre? (Quoting from the author's letters where she discusses this issue will earn you extra points).Wide Sargasso Sea written by Jean Rhys shows a similarity of Jane Eyre written by Charlotte BrontÂÆ'Â «. There are a lot parallelisms in the Wide Sargasso Sea that shows that Jane Eyre was a direct source for its writing. The reason behind Rhys rewriting was to show the intimate voice of the madwoman that was in Jane Eyre, Mr. Rochester's first wife.Rhys explains in the letters to her friends the many ways in which she had tried to make it parallel to BrontÂÆ'Â « Jane Eyre. Rhys believed that the "madwoman" needed a voice. She believed that it was important for her to speak and make people understand how she became a "madwoman".Decorative header displayed before Chapter I from ..."She's necessary to the plot ...she must be on stage. She must be pla usible with a past, the reason why Mr. Rochester treats her so abominable and feels justified, the reason why he thinks she is mad and why of course she goes mad, even the reason why she tries to set everything on fire, and eventually succeeds"(Rhys 136). She writes to Francis Wyndham explaining the process in which she needs to take to make the book speak the truth about the Madwoman. Rhys makes a direct notation in one letter stating "This is to tell you something about the novel I am trying to write provisional title "The First Mrs. Rochester". I mean, of course, the madwoman in "Jane Eyre"' (Rhys 135). She battles for the title stating, "'The First Mrs. Rochester' is not right. Nor of course is 'Creole'" (136). Rhys explains the...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Current Issues in Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Current Issues in Intellectual Property - Essay Example Most of the legal principles to encourage and establish the intellectual property rights have evolved over decades. The intellectual property laws were strongly established in the 19th century due to the different evolutions in the global business environment. Today the intellectual property laws and rights have become a commonplace concept in almost all countries accrues the globe. Intellectual properties are not only applicable to artistic creations but are also used to protect inventions and discoveries which have commercial value. Intellectual properties are protected by the law due to the usefulness of these properties in enabling the general people and society to earn financial and economic benefits and recognition from their discoveries, creations or inventions. It can be ascertained that striking a right balance between the interests of the public and those of the innovators is likely create an environment which will support the flourishing of creativity and innovation. Intellectual property laws can be used to protect a wide range of products and services. It includes all types of innovations and some discoveries made by individuals, teams or organizations. The intellectual property rights can be gained under copyrights, patents, trademarks, confidentiality or trade secrets. Patents can be obtained for a wide range of products including any method, substance, process or device which is inventive, new, authentic and useful to the society, technology or any other domain. Patents can be enforced legally and can be used to commercially protect and exploit inventions and creations. Some innovations like mathematical models, schemes, artistic creations, plans and processes which are completely dependent on mental processes are not eligible for getting patent rights. The copyrights are commonly used under the intellectual property laws to protect mental creations like literary works, music compositions and other forms of artistic,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Male-Female Relationships Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Male-Female Relationships - Research Paper Example Thus, romantic relationship remains the main focus of many researchers. The relation now aims at analyzing the social, emotional, mental, sexual and physical aspects between the two periods. Therefore, several interviews were taken to vilify this case. Introduction In any relationship, romance is measured by several factors such as the emotions of the couple. Furthermore, one can measure the strength of the relationship by number of conflicts, occurrences of domestic violence and resolution of domestic violence. In a study carried out, seven groups of participants were studied. An interview was carried out in several parts of U.S. such as cities like New York, colleges and universities like the Harvard University, and in remote places such as Harlem. Furthermore, another aspect that was analyzed during the study was the number of respondents. The study involved seven different respondents like college students, which includes young men and women aged 18-23 years. This group was close ly followed by the old in society which involved men and women over 24 years. The third group was the scholars which involved the doctors and psychologists. Furthermore, couples were also interviewed and at the same time the singles were also interviewed. Psychiatrists and police officers gave pout their reports. In this method, related literature was also studied and analyzed. The literature was a report on a research that had been carried out ten years across the line. Research question The purpose of the study was to compare the relationship in early 90s and the present relationship in families. Several factors were measured during this study. In this study we investigated the differences between men and women. We analyzed the physical, emotional, sexual and mental differences between the two sexes. The study aimed at unfolding the differences between the city and the rural area and the influence it has on relationships. We based our analysis on television, radios, movie, music a nd many more. Furthermore, the study was aimed at investigating gender socialization and age difference in relationships. In our study, we aimed at exploratory instead of testing the hypothesis. In our study, we investigated the number of conflicts in relationships. We considered the level of conflict, the frequency with which conflicts occurred and the ease of resolving the conflicts. Conflicts in relationships can be viewed as the measure for analyzing if a relationship is fairing on well or not. Furthermore, the ease with which conflicts can be resolved is used to determine the number of families which have recently broken as results of conflicts. Research site In our research, we analyzed respondents from Harvard University who included young men and students. The study included respondents from varied cultures and believes. Other respondents from the city and the rural were also analyzed. Among the respondents in New York, we managed to interview about 80 respondents. In the sa me way, we interviewed 80 respondents from Harlem. The group included both the elderly and young couples. In addition, the analysis of the results involved an analysis of results on a report on a research that was carried in 1987 in U.S on relationship among couples. Research design Our study made use of interview which had several respondents. During the study, several samples were used in specific areas. The study involved both men and women as